So it begins …

So it begins …

Photo by Clark Young / Unsplash

As a teenager, finding myself in a writing field is the furthest thing I ever thought I'd be doing as a professional. Apart from the wild, imaginative exploits of a young mind to be a professional athlete or a some type of world traveling MacGyver rigging together make-shift surgical devices out of bubble gum, shoe string, and pipe cleaners. All the while chasing away industrial "colonizers" attempting to steal the native's natural resources.

But I hate reading!

As a high school student, I despised writing essays. The moment a writing assignment was announced in class, anxiety gripped me and my entire body became a sweaty drenched sponge down to my fingertips.


And here I am. Writing some of the most complex proposals. Producing volumes of  written content about federal and technical services. Submitting billions of dollars in contract proposals. And writing a blog.

I share these tidbits of my back story for two reasons. First, to level set expectations about this blog and it's intent. In doing so, its probably easiest to share with you what this blog won't be. Although I have above average proposal writing experience and technical writing development, I am have no delusions of placing my skills and abilities amongst the "experts". Nor, do I proclaim to be a tremendous grammarian and wordsmith effortlessly belting out America's next greatest novel.

Instead, I share a few lessons learned and interesting encounters enjoyed on the journey thus far. I invite you along with me as an active travel companion hopefully picking up useful souviners and trinkets along the way. Though this blog will contain some recommendations and best practices from time to time, and I do possess an ability to decompose extremely complex systems and processes into simple, easy to understand concepts (more on that in a later post). None of what is offered in this blog is presented as an absolute or replacement to any of your existing activities. Rather, the aim is to educate and inspire. Hopefully, pass along a few tips and tools for your proposal writing toolbox.

Second, I want to give hope. And yes, I know exactly how Marvel cinematic-ky that sounds. But before you place me among the other clanging pots and pans of empty rhetoric alongside your "favorite" politician, keep reading.

It all started with a tiny book.

As cliche as it sounds, that's right. My entire philosophy concerning art and literature completely changed, seemingly overnight, with the gift of one small book. Small is actually a gross understatement. The book was, in fact, small in print and story. It was a book of rhythm and blues prose. No more than 30 pages and no larger than a three and a half square inches. Capable of easily fitting in the palm of any hand or pocket.

This one simple gesture, extended by my first college English professor, completely redirected my life.

Little did this professor know she was igniting the embers of a new passion for writing and literature that would eventually engulf me entirely. In a single college semester, I went from self-proclaimed mathematical guru to a near religious convert of the printed word. I became obsessed. I would be found frantically scribbling in my leather-bound loose leaf on the campus quad in between classes nearly everyday. This new interest morphed into an infatuation, grew into a passion, cultivated as a developing skill, and today is a growing career.

For this one, tiny gift I am eternally grateful.

And so ... on this journey I continue and I invite you along with me to witness and experience the adventures. Whether you frequent this blog for common industry best practices, professional camaraderie, to explore your interests in proposal writing, or just for a few good laughs - I'm thrilled you're here!

As I continue to learn more about my own writing throughout this experience, perhaps some of the lessons picked up along the way will have a lasting impression on you as well.

"Scribere verba vita" (To write is life of words)